In all the years fictional Agent 007 spent in her Majesty’s Secret Service, he had access to numerous devices �" such as the Minox Camera and the Submariner Rolex that combined numerous functions (and saved his life more than once).
The iPhone is such a device that even Ian Fleming would not have imagined. Though not particularly useful against sharks or enemy agents, one is able to make telephone calls from virtually any location, take photographs, do text messaging, troll the World Wide Web and send and receive electronic mail, all whilst playing your favourite music. The most recent iPhone, which came to market only a fortnight ago, now includes Assissted GPS �" enabling the user to pinpoint his or her location anywhere on the planet.
Perhaps you own one of these marvellous inventions. If so, are you using all of its capabilities? Do your mates carry iPhones just like yours? Since you are indubitably carrying your iPhone with you at all times, is it properly encased and protected from thieves?
In fact, if you do not have the latest iPhone accessories, you may not be enjoying everything this remarkable device has to offer. For example, if you are planning to use your iPhone whilst driving your car, it won’t do to have it in your pocket. A cup-holder mount fits in (where else?) the cup holder next to your seat. Alternatively, a vent mount allows you to place your iPhone upon your car’s fascia, within easy reach �" no need to risk your safety while searching for it.
While on the subject of carrying and utilising your iPhone whilst motoring, have you considered that you can spare your iPhone’s battery life simply by using the car lighter and running it off the accumulator? Of course, an adaptor is one of the iPhone accessories you’ll need in order to do this.
Of course, many people have headphones for listening to .mp3 files and other music in privacy over their iPhones, but were you aware that you can turn your iPhone into a complete entertainment centre for your next do �" and it won’t cost you a packet. In fact, there are more than a dozen different types of speakers as well as water-proof casings in different colours, some of which can be purchased for under £7!
Active people will want someplace to carry their iPhones other than the pocket of their trousers, which is why they’ll not only want to consider an armband case, but also protective gear. Cases for iPhones are available in leather as well as brightly-coloured silicone �" an excellent investment in the protection of your iPhone.
You’ve paid a substantial sum for your iPhone �" now enjoy all of its capabilities with genuine iPhone accessories.