(AKA Daxian X999) - Here's a Look at Its Features
By Rae Edwards
For the longest time, the answer to the question "Which iClone has WiFi?" would have been, "None, right now." Even when CECT came out with the clone for the Nokia N95, WiFi was not included. So of course, this feature was at the top of everyone's new clone wish list, but we had to wait a long time for it to finally arrive.I believe the hold up was that clone makers weren't sure consumers would be willing to shell out a bit more money for a fully loaded knock off phone. The great thing about the clones is that they've so inexpensive that it's no big deal to move on when new technology rolls around. But, the powers that be weren't sure if buyers would be willing to commit to a bit more expensive clone, even if it was loaded with WiFi, GPS and Windows Mobile. READ MORE...